Baby Dedication Program
Each year the library and Fairfax Building Brigth Futures work together to invite families to dedicate new library books in honor of the new babies in our community. This program is part of the Welcome Infant Social and Annual Birthday Bash each spring. We would like to extend this invitation to you and your family. The event is usually the first Saturday in April.
Each Fairfax family who gave birth to or adopted a child is invited to come choose a special book which will be dedicated to your child. A book plate will be placed inside the front cover of the book with your child’s name and date of birth. As he or she grows, you will both enjoy reading and re-reading this book and your child will know there is one special volume for them at their library. It’s a wonderful way to encourage literacy and an interest in books as well as making each child feel special and noticed.
If the birth or adoption of your child was registered in Fairfax, we will send you an invitation and form in January or February. If you do not receive one by the end of February, please contact the library.